
The Loyal Subjects x GIJoe x Transformers

I came home from running a bunch of errands to find a parcel waiting for me at my front door. I put the box down in a safe corner and went to make some dinner. After taking the dogs for their evening walk, I finally opened the box and found some treasures I'd forgotten about! Here we have the SDCC 2013 Exclusive GI Joe figures by The Loyal Subjects! 

Now, I've always been a Joe fan, but the toy releases haven't excited me at all until this summer. I pre-ordered the Hot Toys Snake Eyes (who is still in hisplastic prison awaiting review) and thought that was the end if it. However, after seeing the teasers of Iron Grenadier Destro and Urban Camo Storm Shadow, I knew I had to have them. These were my two favorite figures to play with back in the day!  They were also the only Destro and Storm Shadow I owned. I also had a Snake Eyes but it was the boring V3 and the terrible V4. They always sat in the bottom of the toy pile, relegated to masked bad guy flunky status for my reformed good guy Storm Shadow and mercenary Destro. Ah! to be a kid again! but I digress. 

When they came available, I quickly snapped them up along with a handful of the new Transformers line. I hope I get a Jazz in one of these boxes!  I'll reveal my pulls in a future  post. Wish me luck!

Photos courtesy my Instagram!

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