Let's start with the man, Alex Pardee. Alex Pardee is awesome. His style of art is can invoke a range of emotions, from the light hearted pop culture work from his Butcher Kings series and Popped Culture lines to his macabre Letters from Digested Children. The Night of the Treeple series creeps me out. in a good way. That said, No matter how grim the subject matter, there's always a lightheartedness among it all. I'm no art critic, that's just what I'm picking up. Regardless, I think his work is next on my list of items to pick up!
Now to the show, BunnyWith. As many of you know, I'm particularly interested in rabbits, and as such, any show named Bunnywith will instantly catch my attention. Alex Pardee's show will feature over 100 prints of his Bunnywith character, most of which will only be $10!. In Alex's own words:
"Bunnywith" is simple. It's a Bunny…WITH something else. Like Bunnywith Hat. Or Bunnywith Herpes. Or Bunnywith A Fanny Pack made out of human skin. Each painting and print is a different "Bunnywith".
Any unsold prints will be available for sale from October 21st, 2013 - November 15th, 2013 at Gallery Ninteen Eighty Eight 's website
There you have it!. Go check out Bunnywith on October 19, 2013 at Gallery 1988 East and make sure to score some prints! If not for yourself, or for Alex, then for me!
for more info see Alex Pardee's collected questions from his future guest attendees!
to see more of Alex's other art, check out his store eyesuckink.com
to see more of Alex's other art, check out his store eyesuckink.com
BUNNYWITH toxic face meltage |
BUNNYWITH the fanciest tumor |
BUNNYWITH portal |
BUNNYWITH Jim Davis' hand |
BUNNYWITH unsuccessful parachute landing |
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