
Kidrobot Dunny Evolved Full Series Reveal!

from The Andy Griffith Show to Robocop

The ongoing saga of teasers from the Dunny Evolved series by Kidrobot has finally come to an end!  After weeks of teasers, (all of which we've been following) the full kit 'n kaboodle has been unveiled to the world!  First on the list is the Huck Gee stages, clearly showing the evolution of law enforcement from Barney Fife to to mecha-armored CopRobo (see what I did there)

Space-man to Mer-Man!

Next up.. the legend Frank Kozik showing a more literal take on the evolutionary theme... or is it?  If the order can be of any an inference, mayhaps Kozik is showing us the fall of man and his eventual return to the sea? Taken in this way, I feel the dual order of things can speak volumes on the cycle of nature and the inevitability a return to nature... well played Frank.  Well played.
Party Animal!

Kronk takes a light-hearted approach in his stages and I love it!  The evolution of a party animal from uptight party entrant, to rain making lust machine, to a full on party animal!  I love the sculpt work on the final stage and the way he's injected such fun into his series.

McBess's series was the dark horse.  Going completely un-teased, this is the biggest surprise, and I love it.  Showing the evolution of speaker tech, possible guitar amps. Specifically for a music fan, especially a guitar player, this set may hold the most interest.  I love the subtle evolution in design as well.  From a simple painted dunny to a uniquet head unique sculpt! 

Enter the Dragon-lotus

Last, but definitely not least, we have the vibrant work of Scott Tolleson's.  It seems he's forgone his trademark argyle and moved in a new direction! These stages have the most, ethereal quality with a sort of fantastical approach.  From what I can guess, it appears to be the the evolution of a lotus and  a possible snap-dragon into a literal sort of Dragon-Lotus.  This one just oozes magic and mystery! 

I like this series and the entire concept.  Instead of giving a single artist a single figure platform upon which to work, providing a series of 3 to expand on an idea is a breath of fresh air and allows for some amazing artistic expression!

Now to the meat and potatoes... releasing Ocotober 10th, Kidrobot's "Dunny Evolved," featuring designs by Frank KozikMcBessKronkHuck Gee, and Scott Tolleson, will retial for $10 per blindbox.

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